
國際話匣子 EP.2 各國環保生活大不同 Next Generation Conversation:What Sustainable Living Looks Like Across the World

除了疫情,國際社會同時也正在關注環境保護的問題,當中更以減碳限塑成為全球共識。在聯合國永續發展浪潮推動下,世界各國相繼宣誓限塑政策及淨零排放、碳中和等多項目標,而為了達成減緩全球暖化速度、降低對地球的損害,他們從日常生活、社會行動、國家政策層面,又制定了哪些措施呢? 打開國際話匣子,快來聽聽他們怎麼說!


In spite of the pandemic, the international society never forgets the importance of environmental protection and continuously pays attention to related issues. Among all the environmental issues concerned, carbon and plastic reduction has become a global consensus. With UN promoting their Sustainable Development Goals, countries all around the world have committed to achieving various goals such as plastic reduction, net zero and carbon neutrality. In order to slow down global warming and reduce damage toward the Earth, what measures do national governments adopt, and what regulations do they call for? In different parts of the world, what are some everyday-life experiences and social actions for this cause? Let’s be a part of the Next Generation Conversation and explore more about this topic!
