
國際話匣子 | EP.1 各國防疫生活大不同 Next Generation Conversation| What Quarantine Life Looks Like Across the World


前段時間國內疫情急升溫,在緊張不安的氛圍中,我們開始一段「防疫在家救台灣」的時光;相對於台灣情況,在疫情更加嚴重的的英國以及鄰近我們的韓國、新加坡等地,他們的生活發生了什麼變化?在防疫政策上有哪些我們不知道的事? 打開國際話匣子,快來聽聽他們怎麼說!


A few months ago, Taiwan had a massive Covid-19 outbreak. Prior to this, the UK, Korea, and Singapore had already experienced a similar circumstance in their country. During such difficult times, how has the pandemic impacted the lives of those living in these countries? Let’s join the Next Generation Conversation and listen to their experiences!
