
文化任意門 | EP.1 各國新年大不同 Cultural Passage to the World | What New Year Like Across the World


除了我們熟悉的農曆新年之外,其他國家是如何慶祝迎接新一年的到來?以及新年對他們而言又代表什麼樣的意義? 文化任意門第一集,邀請來自俄羅斯、南非、蒙古、台灣四個國家的夥伴,透過鏡頭分享自己國家的新年慶祝方式,打開文化任意門,快來聽聽他們怎麼說!


“The New Year” is generally regarded as an important festival for many countries throughout the world. Due to the influence of religious belief, different calendars, customs, and cultural deposits, Eastern and Western parts of the world have respectively developed unique New Year traditions and activities for celebration.

Despite the Lunar Chinese New Year that we are familiar with, how do people from other countries celebrate the start of the New Year? What’s the special meaning of New Year? Four interviewees from Russia, South Africa, Mongolia, and Taiwan are invited to the first episode of Cultural Passage to the World, sharing their celebration activities of the New Year. Let’s go through the Cultural Passage, and connect to the world!
